Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
About library
Library Council

Library Council


on the Library Council of the Library

of the Medical University of Karaganda

1.  General provisions

1.  The Library Council is an advisory body that promotes the effective participation of the Library of the MUK in the educational and scientific activities of the university.

2.  Library Council is guided by the laws and regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, orders, internal documentation on the university and this Regulation.

3.  The Library Council shall coordinate the activities of the library with the work of other educational and scientific departments of the University on the organization of prompt and complete provision of the educational process and scientific research with publications, other documents, and information about them.

4.  The composition of the Library Council is approved by the Chairman of the Board - Rector of the University on the recommendation of the director of the library.

5.  The Library Council consists of:

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs - Chairman of the Library Council;

Library Director - Deputy Chairman of the Library Council;

Senior Librarian of the Library - Secretary of the Library Council;

Representatives of schools and departments of the University – members of the Library Council.

6.  The decisions of the Library Council are advisory and advisory in nature.

2.  Main tasks

7.   Coordination of the work of the library with the main directions and plans of the university's activities.

8.  Determination of the policy in the formation and acquisition of the library fund by various types of publications in accordance with the profile of the university, including in the formation of subscriptions to periodicals, in accordance with the Rules on the formation of the fund of the library and publishing center of the «Medical University of Karaganda» NCJSC and the Thematic and typological plan of acquisition.

9.  Promoting the improvement of library and information-bibliographic services for students, teachers, university staff, improving the level of their information culture.

10.  Providing comprehensive scientific and practical assistance to the library, including its technical equipment.

3.  Functions

11.  Coordinates the developed solutions with the documents in force at the library.

12.  Discusses the issues of acquisition and composition of the library fund:

¾  adjusts the thematic plan of acquisition of funds in accordance with the main directions and plans of the university;

¾  provides expert evaluation of lists of purchased domestic and foreign literature, including in electronic form, as well as periodicals;

¾  clarifies the lists of literature excluded from the collections of the library;

¾  helps in the organization of book exchange with domestic and foreign partners.

13.  Monitors compliance with the standards for the book supply of university disciplines.

14.  Promotes the entry of the library into consortia for collective access to electronic information resources;

15.  Controls the conditions of storage of documents in the main fund, facilitates the work to ensure the safety of the rare part of the fund;

16.  Participates in the evaluation of lost print works by readers;

17.  Assists the library in maintaining the database of works of university staff;

18.  Promotes international contacts with special libraries and publishing organizations;

19.  Discusses the conclusions of the commissions on the survey of the activities of the library;

20.  Assists the library in carrying out administrative and economic measures related to the protection of library funds, combating violations by readers of the rules of use of the library, the purchase of modern equipment, etc.

4.  The order of work of the Library Council

21.  The Library Council holds meetings at least 2 times a year in accordance with the work plan.

22.  The term of office of the Library Council of one composition is five years. After the expiration of the term of office of the Library Council of the Chairmen of the Board, the Rector appoints a new composition.

23.  Representatives of schools/faculties, departments and employees of the library and publishing center, whose presence is necessary for making an informed decision, are invited to participate in the meetings.

24.  The Library Council is authorized to resolve issues if half of its members are present at the meeting.

25.  Meetings of the Library Council are recorded. The decisions of the Council are signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Library Council. One copy of the protocol is permanently stored in the library and publishing center. The Chairman controls the execution of the decisions of the Council.

26.  Information about the meetings of the Council and the decisions taken is brought to the attention of the staff of the university and the library.

5.  Rights and Responsibilities

The Library Board has the right to:

27.  To make proposals on the organization, planning, provision and control of the library of the Karaganda Medical University at the meetings of the Senate.

28.  To make suggestions for improving the work of the library.

29.  To request applications from departments and structural divisions for the purchase of information resources.

The Library Board is responsible for:

30.  To improper performance or non-performance of functions assigned to the Library Council.

6.  Interaction with university departments

The Library Council interacts with:

31.  Departments of the university for the acquisition of scientific and educational literature;

32.  Dean's Office and schools – on issues of obtaining and providing information on student services.

33.  Department of Public Procurement – on the acquisition of literature and periodicals.

34.  Documentation Management Department – on issues of informing departments and external document management.

35.  The Department of Academic Work – on the provision of lesson schedules and orders for the movement of the contingent of students.

36.  Center for Simulation and Educational Technologies – on the provision of recommendations related to medical education.