Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Veterans of the war at Nauryz holiday

Veterans of the war at Nauryz holiday

31 March 2015

The 3005-group students of the General medicine and dentistry faculty held a festive concert devoted to Nauryz holiday and the 70th anniversary of the great Victory under the leadership of assistant of the internal diseases department Umirbaeva Assel Altaevna in the Regional center of medical care for veterans of the war. The concert was attended by special guests: Director of RCMCVW-I. M. Ahmadishin, deputy director - E. E. Tulenov, as well as guests, professors and teachers from the internal diseases department: R. E. Bakirova, S. D. Nursultanova, K.T. Tusupbekova and Zh. Zh. Turganova.

The concert began with patriotic songs "Kazaktay el kaida",that were performed by Tuleyev Aydar. The festive atmosphere was created dance "Kara zhorga" in the performance of folk belly dance group"Kara Koz", was finished with the participation of the guests in the dance. The concert was filled with singing and dancing, and theatrical representations of national traditions. For example, one of the traditions "Tusaukeser", dedicated to the child taking his first steps, was figuratively represented by students.

As well as students of 3-062, 3-063, 3-078, 3-066 groups of the General medicine and dentistry faculty organized a festive meal, filled with baursaks, koumiss, Nauryzkozhe and other national dishes.

Guests-veterans of the great Patriotic war firstly, congratulated all the guests and students with Nauryz holiday and shared memories of the great Patriotic war, describing the harsh days, singing the war songs.

The musical part of the evening ended with a choral performance of3005group by song "Kazakh Eli". After the concert, veterans thanked the students for a concert program, organizational work. Patients-veterans returned to their wards with elevated mood.

B.B. Orazaliev, 3-005 group of GM



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