Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Preventive measures against seasonal influenza

Preventive measures against seasonal influenza

12 November 2020

"General Medicine" students took an active part in measures to prevent influenza. Sanitary-educational and motivational work aimed at attracting the population to vaccination against influenza is carried out by the interns at the clinical bases of the Primary Healthcare Center and Polyclinic No. 3 in Karaganda.

Increasing seasonal influenza vaccination coverage is a key strategy to reduce the influenza burden in our region. It is with the aim of implementing the immunization program that the interns of the School of Medicine carried out the following work:

·   conversations on the prevention of influenza virus, with the distribution of informative leaflets;

·  call around the attached population, notifying about the vaccination in the clinic, explaining the importance of this procedure;

·  answer all organizational questions asked by the population (vaccine production, minimum age of children for prophylaxis, vaccine availability, route of administration);

·  visit the persons to be vaccinated door by door, informing about the ongoing flu prevention.

Thus, the interns of the School of Medicine participated in the expansion of the seasonal flu vaccination program, increased vaccination coverage in specific priority groups (pregnant women, children over 6 months of age and adults with certain chronic diseases, the elderly).



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