Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Completing the Volunteer’s year.

Completing the Volunteer’s year.

04 December 2020

On 26th November Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social and Political disciplines together with Department of Youth of Karaganda Medical University held an online meeting of the permanent seminar “ZhangyruZholy” on the topic "Completing Volunteer’s Year” at the framework of the state program “Rukhanizhangyru”. The seminar was moderated by S.A. Nikiforova, A. S. Lamanova, O. A. Kovtun, Y.G. Osintseva and A.A. Injigolyan.

As before the geography of the meeting was extensive and assumed a variety of participants. During the seminar students of Karaganda Medical University and Karaganda University named after E. A. Buketov, members of the volunteer organization of NJK KMU “Next Generation Volunteers” also scholars of gymnasia # 93and lyceum school # 14 ofAbaycity exchanged views. Members of the regional headquarters of regional headquarters of RYDM and members of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda region had already become almost permanent and valuable participants of our seminar.

  The purpose of this online meeting was to summarize the results achieved by volunteers during the period that was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and became difficult for the whole society. In the context of the spread of this terrible disease, volunteerism has demonstrated its viability and proved the need to continue working in this direction, exchanging practical experience in various areas of the volunteer movement.

  The event was opened by compliance officer of NJK KMU Alexander Urmashov and introduced the participants to the results of the year of the volunteer in Kazakhstan.

Director of the regional branch of the public Foundation “League of volunteers of Kazakhstan” Aslan Kabegenov in his speech spoke about the multifaceted activities of the League of volunteers of Kazakhstan about the careful selection of those who selflessly want to be useful to society and provide all possible assistance and support to citizens in need.

The head of the regional headquarters of the Republican youth movement of APK “ZhangyruZholy” Nursultan Talipov informed the audience about the experience of volunteer work of the youth of the APK of Karaganda region and  drawing attention to the active work of students of  Karaganda Medical University  and other educational organizations of the city as volunteers.

Sergey Kasyanov the  2nd course  student of NJK KMU in his speech  appointed the theoretical aspects specifics and main directions of medical volunteeringand also shared his experience of working as volunteer at the peak of the pandemic.

Another outstanding presentation at the seminar was the report “Medical volunteering in Kazakhstan during the COVID-19 pandemic: practical experience of the participant” by DarynAbilzhanov, a 5th-course student of NJK KMU now known throughout Kazakhstan, who is both an employee of an infectious diseases hospital and a volunteer a doctor on call in his spare time.

  Garg Varun and Yadav Sachin, students of the International Medical Faculty who are currently in India, did not remain indifferent to this topic and onlinetold the audienceabout their country's experience in the field of social and medical volunteering, as well as their personal experience as a volunteer in a pandemic.

ZainabAsadullayeva and Kamila Berikkyzy  2nd course students of NJK KMU specialty “Pharmaceutical productiontechnology”consistently developing the theme of inclusive education in their project activities, gave an idea of the specifics of inclusive volunteering. People with disabilities, like no one else, understand the need to attract volunteers to participate in this field.

  Students of 2-3 courses of Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov Veronica Perova, NailaKasymov, Nasrullayevaand  AidanaAlmanova  with its tutor  associate Professor of political science and Sociology Angela AlvanovnaInjigalyanencouraged the assembled audience with his performance from our guests.

In their message on the topic “Development of volunteerism on the example of the implementation of the project “Zhasproject”, they told how their project is already being implemented and offered some valuable advice to those who are trying themselves in the field of social projects.

ElenaTe the scholar of 10th class of a Gymnasium # 93 shared an  experience of pet-volunteering. Alexander Kuznetsov the scholar of 11th class ofthe School-Lyceum #14 of Abai city told about the practice of school volunteering.

All participants of the online meeting  noted the high level, cognitive effect and practical significance of the seminar  which contributes to improving methodological and professional competence in the field of volunteer movement.

In conclusion  the results were summed up and practical recommendations were made that can be implemented on the basis of NJK  KMU as well as areas and opportunities for further cooperation were identified etc. The meeting’s  speakers, moderators, and participants were awarded certificates.

Teachers of the Department of history of Kazakhstan

and Social  and Political disciplines of NJK KMU.



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