Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Day of Urgent Care

Day of Urgent Care

16 September 2021

On September 11, on the basis of the Center for Simulation and Educational Technologies, the first meeting of the series of events held within the framework of the Marathon "30 Steps as a Path to the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" first aid.Director of the Center for Simulation and Educational Technologies Kemelova Gulshat addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. Before the start of the skills training in the framework of the "Day of Urgent Care" event, the participants got to know each other. The event was attended by 35 people, including 2-5-year undergraduate students of the Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of General Medicine and the International Faculty of Medicine, residents - pulmonologists of 1 and 2 years of study.

Together with the trainers of the Center for Simulation and Educational Technologies, students worked out the skills of basic medical manipulations, an algorithm of actions for sudden cardiac arrest (in children and adults) in various conditions, an algorithm for actions in case of upper airway obstruction, an algorithm for tracheal intubation and conicotomy; disassembled clinical cases for emergency care using the virtual table Body interact.

We thank all participants for their activity. We are waiting again!



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