Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Discussed the plan for further cooperation

Discussed the plan for further cooperation

28 March 2022

On March 16, an online meeting of representatives of the Institute of public health and occupationalhealth of "KMU" NJSC with representatives of the partner enterprise "Kostanay Minerals" JSC was held.

IPH and OH were represented by the director of the Institute, PhD, associate professor B.K. Omarkulov, chief freelance occupational pathologist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of medical sciences, professor A.U. Amanbekova, head of the research sanitary and hygienic laboratory, PhD, associate professor Zh.Zh. Zharylkasyn and chief researcher doctor of medical sciences, professor E.Zh. Otarov.

The delegation of "Kostanay Minerals" JSC was represented by the technical director A.R. Smagulov and the head of the labor protection and industrial safety service I.M. Seminderov.

During the meeting, issues of scientific and practical cooperation of our organizations in the framework of further research in the field of preserving and strengthening the health of the working population were considered. The possibility and prospects of conducting large-scale studies to determine natural fibers in the atmospheric air of residential areas and assess potential risks to public health were discussed.

The parties reached an understanding of the relevance and need for further continuation of research and discussed a plan for joint scientific and practical work in the field of occupational health and medicine, occupational pathology and rehabilitation of workers, protection of production and the environment.

Head of the research sanitary and hygienic laboratory, PhD, associate professor Zharylkasyn Zhenisbek Zharylkasynuly



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