Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Conference on the development of the neurological service

Conference on the development of the neurological service

31 May 2022

The XXIII scientific and practical conference with international participation "Actual problems of clinical, experimental neurology, neurosurgery, neurophysiology" was held in Almaty on May 27-28, 2022, which was attended by speakers from different countries (Russia, USA, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine), as well as domestic speakers who highlighted the issues of the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases, innovative technologies in the field of functional diagnostics, neurosurgery and related disciplines, modern developments in the field of rehabilitation. 

The welcoming speech of the conference was made by the Deputy director of the Department of Organization of Medical Care of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan G.E. Sarsenbayeva, noting the necessity and relevance of the issues raised at the conference; the chief neurologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, MD, Prof. S.T. Turuspekova, as well as professors and young scientists from various medical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan actively participated in the conference.   

 Professor of the School of Nursing Education, MD. T.T. Kispaeva took part in the scientific and practical conference from the "Medical University of Karaganda" NCJSC, who made a report on the topic "Neurological complications and long-term consequences of Covid-19", where all the experience of foreign and domestic researchers accumulated over 2 years of the pandemic on the issues of damage to the nervous system was presented SARS-Cov2, the results of their own research are presented.

  Within the framework of the conference, the section "Young Scientist" was traditionally held, at which M. Amirbekova, a master's student of the School of Nursing Education (scientific supervisors B.K. Omarkulov, T.T. Kispaeva) made a report on "Nursing competition in the recovery of patients with cerebral stroke by ergotherapy methods" from the "Medical University of Karaganda" NCJSC, which presented a fragment of scientific works on their own topic. The jury highly appreciated the presented work, giving the 1st place to M. Amirbekova among all master's reports of the section "Young Scientist".

  The conference ended with the adoption of a resolution on key issues of the development of the neurological service of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



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