Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Follow-up mission provided by ERASMUS+ «SPRING» international experts

Follow-up mission provided by ERASMUS+ «SPRING» international experts

05 August 2022

In May 2022, as part of the activities summing up the work of experts in medical education in the CIS countries, «Karaganda Medical University» NCJSC hosted a Follow-up ERASMUS+«SPRING» peer review mission (Setting Peer Review Instruments and Goals for Medical (Health) Education). 

The expert visit was preceded by an initial expert mission in February 2022, following which the KMU SPRING project team, in collaboration with «General Medicine» and «Dentistry» educational programs Deans of School, heads of educational programs, and structural divisions of the university, developed an action plan to implement the recommendations of international experts to improve the process of professional education of students.

The team of international experts for the follow-up mission was introduced by Antonia Yanakieva, Ph.D., Professor, Head of Health Technology Assessment Department, Public Health Faculty, Medical University – Sofia, Vidmantas Vaičiulis, associated professor of environmental and occupational medicine department, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania, Rustam Nazarov, Head of the International Department of the Khatlon State Medical University, Republic of Tajikistan, and Abdullozoda Said, Head of the Education Department of Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Republic of Tajikistan.

The principles of peer review are not new for higher educational institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Our university hosts regular accreditations for each Educational program the provided by the national agency, however the participation in the SPRING project provides additional benefits for HEI in the form of valuable practical recommendations in the academic and administrative fields made by representatives of universities from the countries of the Commonwealth of the Independent States and European Union.

The head of the follow-up mission, Rustam Nazarov, highly appreciated the efforts of Karaganda Medical University's structural divisions, noting their accordance with the main provisions of the Bologna process and international criteria for recognition and accreditation of medical universities, established by the standards for ensuring the quality of higher education in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).



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