Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Round table on "Problems of Drug Abuse"

Round table on "Problems of Drug Abuse"

10 February 2023

On February 9, 2023, the teachers of the course "Psychiatry and narcology" held a round table meeting "Нашақорлық әлеуметтік мәселе ретінде".  The event was held with students as part of execution of the roadmap to combat drug addiction.

This meeting was attended by undergraduate and internship students of the School of Medicine, teachers of the Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Rehabilitation.

At the meeting the student of the group of 5009 Askanbek Zhuldyz made a report "Психоактивті заттарды қолдану салдарынан пайда болған психикалық және мінез–құлық бұзылыстары".

The participants of the meeting were offered to model the behavior patterns of a dependent person, a drug distributor and a medical worker who wants to be involved in the drug business.  The topic under consideration aroused the interest of students who actively participated in modeling the proposed situations, discussed the causes of addiction and possible ways to prevent it, the role of society in the development of addictive behavior. Also, together with the students, the possible risks of involving medical workers in the drug business were noted.

At the end of the meeting, the participants shared their opinions on this issue. The students expressed their point of view, showed an intolerant attitude to the problem of drug addiction, and realized the need to lead a healthy lifestyle. By asking questions, students confessed that they did not want to be controlled by drugs. They also noted that it is possible to enjoy simple things without the help of any substances.



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