Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
September 22nd is the Languages Day of the nations of Kazakhstan

September 22nd is the Languages Day of the nations of Kazakhstan

01 October 2014

The festive event dedicated to the Languages Day of the ​​nations of Kazakhstan was held in September 19, in the assembly hall of KSMU. This event was prepared by the Foreign Languages Department.

The main purpose of the event was upbringing of students’ love, pride and respect for the motherland, the state language and languages of the nations living on the territory of the  Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the formation of patriotism and a sense of responsibility to the motherland.

The concert presenters, the students of the speciality  "General Medicine" A. Zelenyj,  S. Kozhanova and K. Khvalina,  acquainted the audience with the history of this holiday, with  its role and importance. Students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years participated in the concert programactively. For example,  Akmaral Sherkhan (2-029 GM), Zhadyra Moldabayeva (1-003 MPF), Nargiza Nazymbekova (2-001MPF) and Nurzhan Karsybek (1-032 GM) performed the patriotic songs in the Kazakh language.

Abubakir Hamonov (2-002 N) and Hodzhabegim Frayddunshoeva (3-002 N) showed tajikdance. Zhuldiz Moldahmetova (the laureate of folk dances in Morocco) performed the Kazakhnational dance.

There were songs in French (Anastasiya Khussainova and Diana Bekmurzaeva, students of group 2-082 GM) and Indian ​​( S.K. Medieva, senior teacher of the Foreign Languages Department ​​). Rakhat Sadykov (1-081 GM) sang in Hebrew and English. Within the bounds of the concert the audience enjoyed the poetic works of Korean (T. An, 1-008 Stom) and German (A. Etekbaeva 2-080GM) nations.

The festive event included not only the concert program but also a variety of competitions and quizzes in three languages ​​for the audience. Thus, the students were able to demonstrate their linguistic competence, erudition and got valuable prizes. According to the opinion of the participants of the concert program and students from the audience it should be noted that the conducted educational event contributed to students’ motivation for enhanced studying of different languages.



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