Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The program of external academic mobility of Karaganda State Medical University in the overseas partner universities.

The program of external academic mobility of Karaganda State Medical University in the overseas partner universities.

04 December 2015

Applications to study in the framework of academic mobility during the 2015-2016 academic year the following universities will be accepted for the residents in the specialties «Neuropathology, including childrenneuropathology », «Obstetrics and Gynecology, including children gynecology»:

1.  Altai state medical university

2.  Orenburg state medical university

Preliminary terms for forwarding within the framework of academic mobility:

Travel at the expense of own funds of students, training is provided on the basis of existing memoranda of cooperation between the partner-universities, the accommodation is available by agreement between the accepting and the sending institutions.

The documents for the participation within the mobility programme will be accepted until December 5, 2015 by the Department of International cooperation and Bologna process (Main building, 40 Gogol street, office №102).

Start date of the academic mobility: December 2015



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