Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues!

10 February 2016

ASME Association invites you to participate in the course “Developing Leaders in Healthcare Education”


Date: 23rd – 27th May 2016

Place: Cumberland Lodge, Windsor

Aim to develop participants’ understanding and application of leadership and management theories to their own and others’ educational practice.

Who should attend: This module is aimed at healthcare leaders (clinical and non-clinical) working in undergraduate and postgraduate contexts. Typical delegates include associate deans; curriculum, assessment, student support, admissions or programme leads, or heads or deputy heads of schools, and those aspiring to such roles.

Core topics:

·  Meeting the challenge of change

·  Leading and managing teams

·  Personal effectiveness – Including awareness of own and others’ behaviors

·  Organizations and systems

·  Coaching, mentoring and supervision

This five day residential course includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and four nights accommodation at Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park and all course materials for £ 2500.

For more information please contact Kathryn Dolphin kathryn@asme.org.uk

Registration: http://www.asme.org.uk/conferences/forthcoming-conferences/developing-leaders-in-healthcare-education-23rd-27th-may-2016.html#registration

Additional information: http://www.asme.org.uk/conferences/forthcoming-conferences/developing-leaders-in-healthcare-education-23rd-27th-may-2016.html



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