Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Big Ideas Camp 2020!

Big Ideas Camp 2020!

12 November 2020

  Dear friends, the working group of the “Student’s Entrepreneurship Ecosystem” project is in a hurry to announce the good news, namely, on November 13, the BigIdeasCamp entrepreneurial school will start its activity!

  The entrepreneurial bootcamp invites students from our university from the 2nd year and above to participate.

  BigIdeasCamp is an opportunity to upgrade yourself, get tools and ready-made checklists for creating your own startup, products or project.

  Participants will have 25 hours of intensive work, training, and sit-and-do guest meetings at the camp. Work with mentors and practical exercises will be held from December to February as part of the BigIdeasMarathon for launching startups.

  The speakers and invited guests of BigIdeasCamp will be practitioners, business trainers, active entrepreneurs, and businessmen.

  - BigIdeasCamp helped me expand my knowledge of entrepreneurship. Here I got my first experience, - says Anna Rybalkina, #EcoSystemERG resident, student of the Karaganda Medical University. - The coolest thing that I will remember for a long time is the phrase “any problem has a solution”.

  In 2018, students of our university Savin Nikita, Kim Alexandra and Kuanyshbaeva Gulnaz became the winners of the camp and received funding to launch their own business. Don't miss your opportunity and you!

  Registration is open and available at the link: http://bit.ly/bigideacampreg



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