Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear young scientists of NJSC "Medical University of Karaganda"!

Dear young scientists of NJSC "Medical University of Karaganda"!

11 July 2023

We are happy to share with you that 3 internship offers specifically for Kazakhtanese researchers have already been posted on Campus France research portal.

1.   Biology and Health at Lille University (parasitology, microbiology, molecular biology)

Theme : “Life cycle and antioxidant enzymatic machinery of the enteric parasitic protozoa Blastocystis”

Creating an account is necessary to see the contact details online (very easy). Just in case, here they are : Doctor Magali CHABÉ,  +33 0320871104, magali.chabe@univ-lille.fr

2.  Biology and Health at Lille University (parasitology, microbiology, epidemiology)

Theme : “First molecular data on the prevalence and transmission of the intestinal parasite Blastocystis in Kazakhstan”

Contact details : Doctor Eric VISCOGLIOSI,  +33 0320871104,  eric.viscogliosi@pasteur-lille.fr

3.  Computer Sciences & Biology and Health at Lyon 1 University (computer sciences, neurosciences, artificial intelligence)

Theme : “Brain local-fields potential time series clustering and sub sequence matching for behavior characterization”

Contact details : Doctor Andrea MAURI, andrea.mauri@univ-lyon1.fr

More internships offers (regardless of country of origin) are available on Campus France research portal (La Recherche en France - Offres (Doctorat, stage de Master & Post-Doc) (campusfrance.org))



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