Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear students!

Dear students!

04 September 2023

The Committee for Youth Affairs of the Senate of the University in the period from August 7-14 held a competition for the award of a scholarship to the Chairman of the Board - Rector of the NCJSC “Karaganda Medical University”.

40 applications were submitted to the Committee, namely:

- ЕP “IT-medicine” - 1 application;

- Educational programs of the International Medical Faculty – 2 applications;

- EP “General Medicine” (School of Medicine) - 21 applications;

- ЕP “Public Health” - 1 application;

- ЕP “Dentistry” - 10 applications;

- ЕP “Pharmacy” - 3 applications;

- EP “Biomedicine” – 1 application;

- EP “Pediatrics” – 1 application.

To calculate the points of candidates, a temporary working group was created, which included: Chairman of the Committee Urmashov A.N., 5th year student of the EP “Pharmacy” BolatbekA.Zh., 4th year student of the EP “Pharmaceutical production technology” Dosmagambetov A.B., 4th year student of the EP “General Medicine” Tanatar A.G., 3rd year student of the EP “General Medicine” Kantarbayev Z.M.

Interim working group 18.08.2023 submitted applications were considered. During the consideration of the documents of candidates, the temporary working group rejected 3 applications due to non-compliance with the rules of the competition, namely:

1. Myrzaliev Bauyrzhan Amantayuly (3rd year student of EP “GM”);

2. Idrisov Malik Dosumkhanovich (2nd year student of EP “Dentistry”);

3. Meirmanova Altynai Muratkyzy (2nd year student of EP “Dentistry”).

Based on the decision of the Senate No. 1 of 31.08.2023, the scholarship of the Chairman of the Board – Rector was assigned to the following students:

1. Pshenbayeva Dana Bulatovna (5th year student of EP “Dentistry”) – 62.40;

2. Tursyn Adema Azatkyzy (2nd year student of EP “Dentistry”) – 51.00;

3. Abildina Aruzhan Valievna (4th year student of EP “GM”) – 49.20;

4. Rakymzhan Aizada Nurlankyzy (4th year student of EP “PH”) – 48.53;

5. Shalak Ziya Yuryevna (3rd year student of EP “GM”) – 47.63;

6. Bhardwaj Hritik (5th year student of EP of the IMF) – 47.55;

7. Daulet Balzhan (4th year student of EP “GM”) – 47.43;

8. Kan Vera Aleksandrovna (2nd year student of EP “GM”) – 47.30;

9. Alimbatyrov Marlan Ruslanovich (2nd year student of EP “Pharmacy”) – 47.10;

10. Turasheva Aizada Azamatovna (4th year student of EP “Dentistry”) – 46.70;

11. Amantai Ademi Talgatkyzy (4th year student of EP “GM”) – 45.58;

12. Kasymkhan Nurlym Zulkharnaykyzy (4th year student of EP “GM”) – 45.55;

13. Adelev Sergey Ruslanovich (4th year student of EP “Dentistry”) – 44.98;

14. Akhmerova Aisha Sakenovna (2nd year student of EP “Dentistry”) – 44.90;

15. Utigenov Aslan Askhatovich (2nd year student of EP “GM”) – 44.70.

A general table of candidate scores is attached.

The Committee on Youth Affairs of the Senate of the University sincerely congratulates the holders of the scholarship of the Chairman of the Board - the Rector! We wish students new achievements and victories!



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