Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues!

04 July 2014

Karaganda state medical university invites you to participate in the international conference «Innovation technologies in onco-hematology, which will be held on 2-3 of October,2014 year.

The conference will address to current problems of hematology and / or oncology, the issues of diagnosis, treatment and maintenance therapy of these diseases. The performances of leading domestic and foreign specialists in hematology and oncology are scheduled within the program reports. Workshops, satellite meetings, exhibition of equipment and medicines will be held during the conference. 

Aim of the Conference – exchange of experiences and consolidation of efforts of scientists and clinicians in the diagnosis and treatment of hematological and oncological diseases. 

The conference will focus on the following issues:

1.  Diagnosis and treatments of Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 

2.  Acute and chronic leukemia

3.  Myelodysplastic syndromes

4.  Diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer

5.  Pancreatic Cancer

6.  Lung Cancer

7.  Breast Cancer

8.  Actual problems of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology

9.  Questions of supportive care and palliative care in hematology and oncology

Doctors hematologic, oncologic, NGOs, academics, students of medical universities and colleges, practical public health doctors and nurses are invited to participate in the conference

Forms of participation in the Conference: oral report, poster report, publication in the collector of the conference

Languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.

For participation in the conference it is necessary to send the following materials to the organizing committee:

1.  Application for the conference participation (form is applied)

2.  Report, article (electronic version)

3.  Copies of receipts for payment of the publication of the registration fee

The deadline for applications to participate in the conference (completed form) with oral and / or poster reports - August 10, 2014 

Deadline for submission of articles for publication in the conference proceedings - September 8, 2014


1.  Text should be printed on one side of a standard sheet. 1 page should contain no more than 30 lines of text. Font is Times New Roman, size 14, one and a half line spacing, top and bottom margins of 2 cm, left 3 cm, right 1.5 cm original articles must contain the following sections: introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, literature. The article can be written in any form, if the author wants to describe an interesting case, to share experiences, recommendations or advice. 

2.  An article for publication must be submitted in two copies and in electronic format (flash card) or by email (Serbo@qmu.kz ). The article must be at least 4 typewritten pages, including references. Not more than 3 articles per author are to be accepted for publication.

3.  On the first line in the upper right corner indicates the UIC of article, line below - Name of authors (no more than five) *. On the third line - the name of the thesis (in capital letters), on the fourth line - name of institution, city **. At the end of the article should be given the surname, name of the author (full), place of work and position of each author, addresses and phone numbers, e-mail address of each author is mandatory. Not more than 3 articles per author are to be accepted for publication. 

* Name of the author (s) is indexed with each place of work – A.V. Vitavskaya 1, N.I Ponomareva 2, G.K. Altynbayeva 3

** Place of work the author (s) - Almaty Technological university1, National Centre for Scientific and Technical information2, Industrial institute of Rudny3

  1. The article must have a visa of head of department, institutions for the right of publication.

5.  Abbreviations, names, titles, except for conventional, are not allowed. Units of measuring are on the SI system. The abbreviation stands after the first appearance in the text and remain unchanged.

6.  Articles will be published in the collector of the conference by blind copying, so work will only be accepted in carefully edited form in compliance with all of the above requirements. 

  1. Submission of work previously published or submitted to other editors for publication to the organizing committee, is not permitted.
  2. Publication cost is 500 tenge per 1 page, printed on the requirements of the organizing committee.

The registration fee of 5,000 tenge or 1,500 tenge, you can transfer up to 8 September, 2014 on account of " PO Independent Trade Union of staff and students of KSMU." Travel and accommodation expenses should be covered by the sending side.

The cost of the registration fee in the amount of 5000 tenge included:

-  Participation in the work of the conference

-  Materials of the conference (collector)

-  Set of participant

-  Certificate of participant

The cost of the registration fee in the amount of 1500 tenge included:

-  Participation in the work of the conference

-Electronic version of the conference materials (CD disk)

-Set of participant

-Certificate of participant

The organizing committee and editorial board remains the right to select articles and reports on the conference. 

We ask you to fill in the registration form which you can received at the web site of KSMU (www.qmu.edu.kz) in the section «Science» - «Scientific events of KSMU» - «Conference of KSMU» (http://kgma.kz/ru/2638.html) and to send it by e-mail: serbo@qmu.kz

Attention!!! Any information which is send to the Organizing Committee of the Congress (writing materials for publication, application form, etc.) shall be deemed received only upon receipt by the sender of the reply from the organizing committee about reading 

Venue of the conference:

100000, The Republic of Kazakhstan,

Karaganda city, Gogol Str. 40.

Karaganda State Medical university

Coordinates of the organizing committee:

The Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda city

Gogol Str. 40, room 139

Tel: 8-(7212)-513897 (108)

Contact Information of executive secretary of conference:

The republic of Kazakhstan, 100008, Karaganda city, Karaganda State Medical University, Gogol Str, 40, room №137, editor of the magazine «Medicine and Ecology» Serbo Ekaterina Sergeevna, serbo@qmu.kz, contact phones: 8(7212) 51-38-97 (138), 8-701-366-14-74

KSMU details for payment of publication:

Organizational details for payment for registration fee:

РГП «Карагандинский государственный медицинский университет»

Адрес: Караганда, ул. Гоголя, 40

ИИК  KZ698560000000502860

БИН  990240001118

Тел.:  51-38-97

Банк  ФАО «БанкЦентрКредит»

г. Караганда


Кбе  16

КНП 859

С пометкой «за публикацию в сборнике»

«ОО Независимый профсоюз

сотрудников и студентов КГМУ»

АО Народный Банк Казахстана

БИН 030240000359


ИИК KZ166010191000044760

Код 18

С пометкой «за орг. взносы»

С пометкой «за организацию выставки»,

«за спонсорскую помощь»

Annexure 1

Application for the participation in the congress

Name (full)

On state language_______________________________________________________________

On Russian language ____________________________________________________________

On English language ____________________________________________________________

Degree, title __________________________________________________________

Organization, post________________________________________________________



post office address ______________________________________________________________

  oral report  poster report

Name of report______________________________________________________

The tenure of the conference: day of arrival ___________________________________

   Day of departure _________________________________

Please reserve a place in the hotel from «________________» up to «_________________»

«_____»______________20___ year

  (date of filling in)



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