Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Attention! Competition!

Attention! Competition!

18 September 2014

Dear friends!

On the threshold of the 65thanniversary Karaganda State Medical University announces a competition for the best design of the anniversary mascot!


1. The mascot of University can be an animal, bird, insect or any other living creature with a mandatory academic attributes (mantle, confederate cap, glasses, book, etc.).

2. Sketch must be performed graphically on a sheet with A4 size.

3. Sketches must be submitted till the 1st of October, 2014. Address: Karaganda, Gogol str., 40, office 126 (Department of education and social work with students) or electronically by e-mail: Azarova@qmu.kz

The winner will be determined by a special commission and will be awarded a memorable gift!



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