Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues!

26 November 2014

Karaganda State Medical University invites you to take part in the Republican Scientific-Practical Conference with international participation “Spirituality. Society. Medicine. Social Challenges” which will be held on December 3, 2014.

Conference goals are discussion, exchange and search for the ways of spirituality revival as an effective response to social challenges in modern society.

Conference objectives:

·  To attract attention of society to critical situation in different social spheres tied with moral values descent.

·  To discuss the spirituality and morality revival issues in modern society, the role of spirituality as a factor of inter-ethnic agreement and consolidation of nation unity, the influence of spirituality on building and development of personality, and formation of a future specialist.

·  To exchange experience of different organizations and institutions for spirituality and morality revival.

·  To build constructive partnerships of educational, medical and non-governmental organizations and institutions in medical and social sciences as well as in social work.

The Conference will include round tables, meetings, interactive discussions and debates, and also master-classes with international experts, government service representatives, non-government organizations, public activists, practical healthcare representatives, as well as academics and future specialists.

Conference materials will be published in collected book.

Main scientific directions of the Conference:

1.  Family as a root of moral and physical development of a child.

2.  The role of spirituality in the system of value orientations of modern youth.

3.  Social and moral aspects of professional competencies formation of specialists.

4.  Spiritual and moral aspects of human health and their role in treatment and disease prevention.

5.  Personal spirituality as a social-philosophical problem.

6.  Safe environment as a tool of primary prevention of health issues.

Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian, and English.

Types of participations: publication (theses), oral reports, poster reports.

The following documents should be send to the Conference Committee to participate in the Conference:

1.  `Thesis;

2.  Conference application (the form is attached below);

3.  Receipt of conference fee payment for publication.

Deadline for applications (filled forms) and oral/poster reports is November 24, 2014

Deadline for papers to publish in the Conference bulletin is November 24, 2014

Requirements for publications:

1.  Size of a thesis is about 1500 characters (without spaces) and it should be printed out in 2 copies on one side A4 paper, Times New Roman, KzTimes NewRoman, size 10, margins: top and bottom – 2 cm, left – 4 cm, right – 1,5 cm, line space 1. The first line has UDC, the second – surname, name and middle name of authors (no more than 5 authors)*. The third line has a title (by capital letters), the fourth line – name of institution and city**. In the end of a thesis, addresses and phone numbers of all authors with full names (surname, name and middle name), and emails should be written. One author can publish up to 3 theses.

2.  * Surname, name and middle name of author(-s) are indexed with place of employment. Example: A.V. Vitavskaya1, N.I. Ponomareva2, G.K. Altynbayeva3

3.  ** Place of employment of author (-s) – Almaty Technological University1, National Center of Scientific-Technical Information2, Rudny Industrial Institute3

4.  Theses must have a visa of institution’s head for right to publish.

5.  Abbreviation of words, names and titles is not permitted excluding common standards. Units are used on SI system. Abbreviations are decrypted after their first mention in a text and stay permanent further.

6.  Materials will be published in the collected book by method of blind copying, so theses are accepted only as an accurately redacted copy with compliance of all requirements.

7.  Papers which were published previously or sent to other publications are not accepted.

8.  Conference and editorial committees have the right to select theses and papers for the Conference.

9.  Payment for publication of one thesis is 500 tenge.

10.  Theses written without all requirements are returned to author(-s) without further consideration.

Conference and editorial committees have the right to select theses and papers for the Conference

The Conference payment of 5000 tenge or 1500 tenge should be sent  till November 24, 2014 to the account of “OU Independent Professional Union of Employees and Students of KSMU”. KSMU cannot cover travel and accommodation expenses for Conference participants.

Registration fee at a rate of 5000 tenges includes:

-  participation in conference work

-  materials of conference (collection)

-  set of the participant (show bag)

-  certificate of the participant

Registration fee at a rate of 1500 tenges includes:

-  participation in conference work

-  electronic version of materials of Conference (CD disk)

-  set of the participant (show bag)

-  certificate of the participant

Attention!!! Any information, which was sent to the address of organizing committee of the Organizing Committee of the Conference (writing materials for publication, application form, etc.) are considered to be received only after receiving of the response letter from the organizing committee about reading.

Conference venue:

100000, Republic of Kazakhstan,

Karaganda, Gogol St. 40.

Karaganda state medical university

Coordinates of the organizing committee:

Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda

Gogol St. 40, room 138

Telephone: 8(7212) 513897 (192)

Contact information of Executives of Conference:

Contact information of the Executive Secretary of Conference materials:

Republic of Kazakhstan, 100008, Karaganda, Karaganda state medical university, Gogol St. 40, room 137, editor of the journal "Medicine and Ecology" Yekaterina Serbo. Telephone: 8-7212-51-38-97 (138), 8-701-366-14-74. e-mail: Serbo@qmu.kz

Payment details for publication

Payment details for registration fee

РГП «Карагандинский государственный медицинский университет»

Адрес: Караганда, ул. Гоголя, 40

ИИК  KZ698560000000502860

БИН  990240001118

Тел.:  51-38-97

Банк  ФАО «БанкЦентрКредит»

г. Караганда


Кбе  16

КНП 861

С пометкой «за публикацию»

«ОО Независимый профсоюз

сотрудников и студентов КГМУ»

АО Народный Банк Казахстана

БИН 030240000359


ИИК KZ166010191000044760

Код 18

КНП 859

С пометкой «организационный взнос»

Appendix 1

Conference Application Form


In state language________________________________________________________________

In Russian_____________________________________________________________________

In English_____________________________________________________________________

Scientific degree, rank___________________________________________________________

Organization, position____________________________________________________________




Postal address__________________________________________________________________

  oral report                                         publication                                       poster presentation

Paper title_____________________________________________________________________

Duration of stay at the Conference: day of arrival______________________________________

  day of departure___________________________________



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