Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Patent Department

Patent Department

The legal and regulatorydocumentation:

-Patent Law of RK  РК  http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/Z990000427_

-Law of RK  About copyright and neighboring rights


- Instructions on taking up and  setting up  of  applications for invention patent issuing  http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/origins/V1500011886  

-Instructions about State Registration of Rights to works protected by copyright and neighboring  rights  http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V1500011560#z6

Set ofdocuments required for filing invention application for patent issue:

 - application for granting of  patent  with indication of author of discovery and name of persons for whom title of protection is requested;


-  copy of legal person registration certificate;

 - description of invention disclosing it fully enough to implement ;

 - formula of invention disclosing gist and fully based on description;

 - drawing and other materials necessary for invention gist understanding;

-  abridgement

 -  letter of attorney if the procedures is conducted through representative;

 -  document confirmed patent fees payment.

Payment details: http://kazpatent.kz/ru/bankovskie-rekvizity-rgp-niis

Set of documents necessary for state registration of intellect property objects:

- object on paper or electronic form;

- application;

- copies of identity cards;

- document confirms state fee payment

Payment details:http://www.adilet.gov.kz/ru/node/84218

Contact details: Karaganda  Gogol Str. 40 Patent Department 

Expert-patent specialist Chichkanova Anastasiya Nikolaevna  tel.: 50 39 30 (1287)