Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
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Dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues!

13 March 2014

Students Science Society of the Karaganda State Medical University invites you to take part in Republican scientific-practical conference devoted to the Day of Science with the international participation of interns and students

The Main directions of conference are:

• therapy, dermatovenerology and pharmacology

• surgery, anesthesiology, resuscitation, ENT and eye diseases

• pediatrics,obstetrics and gynecology

• neurology and psychiatry

• dentistry

• medical and biological sciences

• hygiene, epidemiology, public health and public health service

• anatomy, physiology, histology and medical legal medicine

•liberal studies  

The conference working languages are: Kazakh, Russian and English

Form of participation: theses, reports,poster reports

Last date of theses acceptance is : up to 16 March, 2014

Selection of scientific papers of students of KSMU will hold in 2 stages

Stage 1: Scientific papers must be submitted up to March 16, 2014 in to the Scientific Research Department (KSMU, IV Building, Central Research Laboratory, room 139) or by email: konstudkaraganda2014@mail.ru

Up to April 2, 2014, all authors will be informed about the results of stage 1. Authors, who have passed the stage I, will receive invitations for participation in the 2nd stage of the conference.

Stage 2: will be held in April 11, 2014. Speeches with scientific reports on the sections, performance of papers of the 1 stage participants and international (non-resident) scientific reports.

SSS Council reserves the right to select the scientific papers!

Requirements for registration of publications

1. Scientific papers must be printed on one side of a standard paper. The theses should contain no more than 1000 words.  Front is Times New Roman, size 12, single line spacing , the top margin is 2, bottom margin – 2, left margin – 4, and right margin –1.Theses should include the following sections: introduction, purpose, objectives , materials and methods , results and discussion, conclusions , literature. Material must be submitted to the Organizing Committee in duplicate onelectronic media (by flash card) or by email (konstudkaraganda2014@mail.ru)

2. Not more than two theses of one author will be accepted for publication
3. Theses must have a visa of research advisor
4. Initials and last names of students- authors should be in the middle (no more than five). Strike-through the title of thesis in uppercase . On the next line you should write name of the institution, name of department in italics, place of thesis performance and name of a city. Strike-through the name of research advisor. Addresses and phone numbers of authors should be mentioned at the end of the page.
5. Clipped words, names, titles, except of standards are not accepted. Units of measuring are presented in SI system. Abbreviations are unscrambled after the first occurrence in a text and remain unchanged.
6. Bibliography should be in alphabetical order, in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description." Reference to the serial number of a source is to be given with square brackets in a text. References to unpublished papers are not permitted.

7. Materials will be placed in the collection by direct copying, so articles must be carefully edited due to above requirements.

8. The cost of one thesis is 500 KZT.  Transferring to the bank account of RSE KSMU is to be up to March 16, 2014

Thesis Template

N. А. Usenko, G. L. Zhunusova


KSMU, Department of Internal Diseases: №2, Karaganda city

Research advisor: PhD in medical science,, docent  

N. V. Vasiliyeva




Requirements for posters formatting:

1.  Not more than 6-8 posters

2.  Structure of posters: actuality, purpose, aims, methods of research, materials of researches, conclusion.

Delivery date: to 16 of March of 2014 year.

Contact information: 100008 Karaganda city, Karaganda State Medical University, Gogol str., 40, office №139. Scientific Research Department, Central Research Laboratory. Tel: :  8-7212-51-38-97

Responsible for conference proceedings is  a member of SSS-Arymbekova Asem Kanievna;

7 _kz _7@mail.ru, contact number: : 87053326445

Requisites for publications payment:

RSE « Karaganda State Medical University »

Address: Karaganda city, Gogol str., 40

IIC  KZ698560000000502860

BIN  990240001118

Phone Number 51-38-97

Bank « Bank CenterCredit»

Karaganda city


Beneficiary Code  16

Payments Purpose Code  859

Marked  «for publication in the collection»

P.S Center for Scientific Research

ФАО-Federal education agency

БИК - bank identification code, BIC



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