Karaganda Medical University
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What is academic mobility?

What is academic mobility?

11 February 2022

Student’s years are the time when most of all you want to travel and discover distant unexplored countries, and not to pore over dusty textbooks. On the other hand, if you don't study, it will be difficult to find an interesting and well-paid job in the future. Therefore, for students who want to see overseas countries, there has been an academic mobility program for many years. What is it? Let's find out!

Academic mobility is a program aimed at training students and teaching staff (hereinafter referred to as teaching staff) at National or foreign universities (partner universities) in order to exchange experience (cycle, semester or academic year). The exchange of experience and knowledge is another important goal. International academic mobility allows representatives of the intellectual elite of different countries to share theoretical and practical information about their achievements.

The academic mobility program is divided into:

- external academic mobility is the training of students or teaching staff in foreign universities (oversees the Department of International Cooperation, Gogol Str. 40, 331 room);

- internal academic mobility is the training of students or teaching staff in leading Kazakh universities (supervised by the relevant school).

Academic mobility of students is an extremely important process for personal and professional development, since each of its participants faces the need to solve life situations and simultaneously analyze them from the perspective of their own and "foreign" culture.

Academic mobility of students is an extremely important process for personal and professional development, since each of its participants faces the need to solve life situations and simultaneously analyze them from the perspective of their own and "foreign" culture.

The main criteria for participation in the academic mobility training program are:

- absence of disciplinary penalties

- the presence of an average score of 2,75

- no violations of the ethical code of the "MUK" NCJSC

- knowledge of English (depending on the program)

- lack of academic debt

- ability to work in a team, communication skills

More detailed information can be obtained by following the links:

1. Regulatory documents regulating academic mobility


2. Partner universities of "MUK"NCJSC


3. International Exchange Program


4. Contact details


School of Medicine



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