Karaganda Medical University
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Master class on the foundations of biomedical statistics of Professor Grzhibovskiy А. М. (Norway) (19-23 May of 2014 y.)

Master class on the foundations of biomedical statistics of Professor Grzhibovskiy А. М. (Norway) (19-23 May of 2014 y.)

02 April 2014

In the present time, methods of statistics processing are applied in more than 95% of scientific papers, in famous foreign biomedical magazines. In Kazakhstan’s editions the part of multidimensional methods is very small, but univariate methods are used sometimes not correctly. The given master class is urged to acquaint listeners with the main principles of biomedical data statistical processing which are typical for Post-Soviet area, to develop skills of practical using of statistical criteria with help of the modern software and to introduce with the rules of competent presentation of statistical information in to the domestic and foreign scientific publications. Taking into consideration the absence of enough mathematic training of the public health care employees, the main task of the course is to show which method should be applied on practice depends on the research purposes and type of existing data without detailed studying of formulas. The great attention is paid to interpretation of results of application of these or those methods of data processing and ways of its presentation to the scientific publications.  

The main feature of the Master class is ease and goodwill of interpretation which promote to good reception of material even without the base knowledge of statistic. The numbers of examples and their execution together with a teacher and then independently is provide a good survival of knowledge and create a necessary base for independent processing of owned data.

Professor Grzhibovskiy has 10 years’ experience of research in the Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia and the Russia.  His main field teaching activity is design and planning of biomedical research statistical processing of statistical data, the main principles of scientific papers writing for international publishing edition with impact-factor and etc. Since 2011 year, the professor Grzhibovskiy annually conducts Master class in Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana, Almaty, Semey). The given Master class will be held in Karaganda in the first time.


Grzhibovskiy Andrey Mechislavovich – is a senior advisor of National institute of public health care of Norway (Oslo city), professor of the university in Tromse city (Norway), Leader of the programs “NorwayGrants” in Portugal, Czech Republic,  Slovenia, Hungary and Estonia, Member of European Epidemiological Federation, Director of Arkhangelsk international school of public health care, Leading research associate  of the North Arctic Federal University, The consultant of WHO concerning influence of climate changes on health in the Russian Federation (2010-2011) and in Republic of Kazakhstan (2011-2012). He is a member of magazines’ editorial councils  «World Journal of Obstеtrics and Gynecology», ”World Journal of Dermatology”, «StudiesonEthno-Medicine», «JournalofHealthDevelopment», ”Messenger S(А)FU: Medical and Biological problems», «Traumatology and orthopedics of Russia », «Occupational health and medical ecology ». Deputy of General Director of the magazine «Ecology of the Person» (indexed in toScopus), he is the author of more than 300 scientific papers published in the international editions.

Wishing to visit a master class it is necessary to be registered in scientific department of KSMU, at the address: Gogol Str., 40, room. 139



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