Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Eternal glory to the heroes

Eternal glory to the heroes

15 May 2015

On May 9, 2015 all people of Kazakhstan celebrate the 70th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic war in 1941-1945. In a threshold of this Great holiday solemn events for celebration of veterans honour of Great Patriotic war and workers were held on the whole territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also giving of honours and light memory to the heroes of giving the lives on the fields of battles.

A ceremony of laying-on of chaplets and colors to the Memorial complex "The Eternal fire" is a withstand tradition of habitants and guests of our city. An eternal fire is a memorial complex in honour the warriors lost in the years of Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945гг.

"Eternal glory to the heroes" – these words are carved on the surface of monument, on purpose to imprint in eyelids memory about folk heroes. In the center of the square before a monument, there is a bronze star, in the middle of that a day and night burn fire is located symbolizing eternal memory about falling warriors and exploits accomplished by them. The complex is complemented by the avenue of Heroes, on both parties of that memorial flags are situated with the names of soldiers, died on the front home carved on them.

Personnel and students of military department in this momentous day did not remain aside and took an active part in the laying-on of chaplets to the Memorial complex "The Eternal fire" in memory of the warriors of lost in the years of war.

Before the laying-on of chaplets the solemn mass meeting took place where the chief of military department, colonel of medical service Amantai Mukhametzhanov spoke.

In his speech he marked that our countrymen set down name forever on the monuments and obelisks, erected in many settlements of Kazakhstan, where they were born.

  After the performance of chief of department, students read patriotic verses and honored light memory of all people dead in this war by the minute of silence.

  Upon completion of the mass meeting participants lay wreathe and a march passed on the main  avenue of Heroes, that is stretched out from the Eternal fire on the center of park of Victory, where on memorial flags the last names of warriors died in fronts Great Home are carved.

Senior teacher of

military department of KSMU,

lieutenant colonel of supply S. Gоrshkоv



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