Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The II summer students' school of microbiologists

The II summer students' school of microbiologists

30 June 2015

From 15 to, 18 June, 2015, the trainings have passed in the II  summer students' school of microbiologists (SSSM) on the department of microbiology of KSMU.  A chief of the department. associate professor S.B.Akhmetova, associate professor L.G.Filatova, teacher G. A.Nazarenko organized and carried out this event.

Students of specialities "Public health care", "General medicine", "Biotechnology", arriving from the West Kazakhstan state medical university named ofter М.  Ospanov, "Medical university of Astana", Karaganda state technical university and the students of our university passed training in SSSM. Trainings were focused to the study of actual aspects of modern theoretical and clinical microbiology.

Lectures, presentations, seminar classes were given by the leading teachers of the department of microbiology: associate professors S.B. Akhmetova, L.G. Filatova,G. A.Abdulina, doctoral candidate D.B. Babenko, senior teachers of N. A. Shambilova, S. K. Bayguzhina, Zh.S. Saylau, teacher B. M. Sraulkanova, bacteriologist A.D. Dzhantasova.

On results microbiological competition diplomas were awarded: the first degree diploma - to Konyashina Nadezhda (MUA, Astana), second degree diploma -– Iskakova Aliya, (KSMU), the third degree diploma - Chentemirova Lyazzat (MUA, Astana).

Students presented the lectures of the research works for that got diplomas: the first degree for Gabdullin Samat, "Comparative analysis of dynamics of development of HIV in Astana" (МUА, Astana), second degree for Kabdullina Kymbat, "Creation of electronic cabinet "diabetic foot" (KSMU) and Misirova Fariza "Comparative description of differential methods of diagnostics of tuberculosis. Factors defining an epidemiology situation in RК" (МUА, Astana), the third degree for Zhumabayeva Adel and Smagulova Aida "Coronavirusess and threat of penetration of virus of MERS - Cov from the East Asia and Middle East countries on territory of Kazakhstan" (МUА, Astana).

Auditorium trainings SSSM were accompanied by excursions to the Regional Center of Blood of Karaganda city, laboratory of the collective using SRC of KSMU and microbiological  laboratory of the Karaganda suckling combine of LLP "Natige". Except practical trainings, cultural and mass events: seeing a museum of KSMU, excursion on the university and the Regional regional museum, museum of memory of victims of political repressions (КаrLag), were organized and conducted for the listeners of SSSM. Final training was carried out at the rest area "Medik" (Тоpаr), where presentation of the student advanced studies were heard and discussed.

The trainings were memorizable, saturated, emotional with the active discussion of all lectures and presentations, communication, by the exchange of traditions between students arriving from other Universities of Kazakhstan.

The department of microbiology expresses gratitude to the Rector of KSMU, d.m.s. R. S. Dosmagambetova, to the vice-rector on for teaching and educational work, d.m.s. to V. B. Molotov-Luchansky, to the chairman of independent trade union N. N. Nauryzov and to all auxiliary services for a help in organization and implementation of the II summer students' school of microbiologists.

Departmentof microbiology



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