Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
And did you catch to enroll?

And did you catch to enroll?

22 September 2015

Do you have abilities and hobbies? You’re not enabled anywhere? Well on September, 19 at 12 a.m. you had amazing chance to come and show yourself and also familiarize yourself with sections and clubs of our unversity, that cares about  all-round progress and self-perfection of each of us. Students who were there, mostly freshmen, had a chance to listen to the presentations of leaders and ask about plans of  the events, internal regulations and priorioties for participation in those clubs.

Leaders of sports and ballroom dancing “Golden Step”, ballet show “Etude”, folk ensemble of Eastern dance “Karakoz”, debating club “Namys” and “INSIGHT”, Medical Association of Youth of Kazakhstan “KazMSA”, club of initiative students, choir ; sections of vocal singing, modern dance “Yes Team”, dombra orchestra, KVN of Kazakh and Russian League, Theatrical, Poetic, Visual arts sections, Youth Health Centre “Zhuldyz” performed at “Hello, we’re looking for talents!”. Representatives of the organizations told about their work and attracted “new” participants, advertising pluses of choosing them, and also expressed their requirements regarding the qualifications and skills that they would like to see in their wards – attendance and basic level of their direction.

Despite tough conditions there was a large number of students wishing to enroll in a section. In my opinion, everyone who was there submit his candidacy for one or even more sections.

Qualifying tests have already started. Singers and dancers of ensemble “Karakoz” began to show thieir capabilities right after pre-entry and at the end of their perfomance could see the final list of students who entered into the section. Other directions will select on a pre-trials.

Well let’s wish all the participants hard work, patience and good luck!

Asem Aminova

employeeof the Ministry of Information and Communication

of Student Republic «Samruk»



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