Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Veterans’ day celebration

Veterans’ day celebration

23 October 2015

According to the tradition of the department of internal diseases №2 a meeting with veterans of the department was organized by interns of 6 course. Associate professor L.K.Badina with the presentation and presenting all the veterans letters of thanks on behalf of the Rector of Karaganda State Medical University started the concert. From all the highly respected veterans were able to come to the celebration V.G.Arkhipova, N.G.Vyatchinin, Zh.S.Imangalieva, G.T.Karimova.

Overcrowded by emotions and positive attitude veterans shared their experience, stories from their personal life, and gave advices to the young rising generation. In turn, with congratulations for veterans were the intern-therapist from Department of Internal Medicine №3 Muslimova, the student of 4-005 group K.Nurtai, interns of internal medicine №2, J. Multenova G. Bekzhanova, S.Isina and T.Taukelova. Students and interns were able to see and talk with the people who were standing at the beginning of the department and made an invaluable contribution to the development of Karaganda State Medical University.

By the end of the program with the song оf interns of 6-037 group "Какздорово, чтовсемыздесьсегоднясобрались" our veterans were presented with flowers and holiday gifts. Finished with a positive note veterans together with students and interns left this day for a long time in their memory.



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