Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Matriculation ceremony — 2015

Matriculation ceremony — 2015

27 October 2015

  On 16th of October in Karaganda State Medical University had traditional celebration of first year students «Matriculation». It is unforgettable event in the life of every student.

This year celebration was the most memorable, because of anniversary 65th of the university. The ceremony was conducted in academical atmosphere: delivery of symbolical key of knowledge, credit book, farewell speech of prorector, deans of departments, teachers of our university, studentd simbolic swear speech, singing the student's hymn «Gaudemaus».

Queen of knowlegde solemnly delivered simbolical fire from the second year students to the firts year students. At the final stage of the celebration was sound the Hymn of the KSMU, which had been written for the anniversary of the University by graduate students. It will stick to student’s memory for a long time.

General medicine and Dentistry Dean's Office,

Preventive Medicine, Biology and Pharmcay  Dean's Office



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