Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Legends of Kazakhstan – MustafaOzturk

Legends of Kazakhstan – MustafaOzturk

07 March 2019

To celebratethe "Day of Gratitude" the participants of the women's club «Ақжүніс»prepared a colorful cultural program on the theme "The best names that people are proud of". The hero of the presentation was our famous compatriot a true legend of the world of sports and cinema Mustafa Ozturk.

  The audience learned interesting facts from the life of the world-famous athlete and founder of the Kazakh taekwondo school Mustafa Ozturk Kabyluly. The girls of the club pleased the audience with folk dance and read the favorite poems of the great contemporary.

  Mustafa Ozturk will forever remain in the memory of Kazakhstan people as an example of courage, honesty and patriotism.

   The Youth Affairs Department



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