Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Championship goes to the finish line

Championship goes to the finish line

19 March 2019

The games of the final stage began in the XVIII University Football Championship. At the end of the first half, all teams were divided into two groups: the first four teams are compete for places from 1 to 4, the remaining four from 5 to 8.

 “Dentistry”(captain is Karimov Zhandarbek) having 27 points in 9 games has the best chance for championship. Theoretical chances for a championship have “Internship” (captain is Kairbekov Almat) with 21 points. “Internship” have to win 2 games, but “Dentistry” 2 games to lose, it is unlikely. “Therapy” (captain is Nurushev Zharkyn) and “Surgery” (captain is Khalmetov Bakhrom) with 16 and 15 points, can fight only for the bronze of championship.

 In the second group, the GP team (captain is Tolegenov Akzhol) finally placed the fifth line of the tournament table. “Pharmaceutical” (captain is Sarsenbay Nurdaulet) and “Academy” (captain is Serikbayev Diar) will play for 6-7 places. “Pediatry” (captain is Zermukhanbetov Ansar) completes the standings.

The final games of the university championship will be held March 30-31.


  The Youth Affairs Department

   The Center of Physical Health



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