Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Scientific internship at the University of Poitiers

Scientific internship at the University of Poitiers

29 March 2019

The employees of Karaganda Medical University, Marina Sorokina - Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Biostatistics and Yevgeniya Kolesnikova - Associate Professor of the Department of Biological Chemistry completed a monthly scientific internship at the Faculty of Fundamental and Applied Sciences in the Laboratory for the study of receptors and their regulation in tumor cells (2RCT laboratory, EA 3842, CAPTuR team) of the University of Poitiers, France.

During the scientific internship, under the guidance of professors Paule Seite and Brigitte Vannier our colleagues passed a training on bioinformatics presented in collaboration with the National School of Applied Sciences of Tangier, Morocco (ENSAT, Tangier, Morocco, director - Ahmed Moussa).Under the guidance of Taoufik Bensallak, our colleagues mastered the analysis of DNA microarray expression data. Under the guidance of Ayoub Salmi, the analysis of RNA sequencing expression data was studied.

The result of the scientific internship was the beginning of a collaborative research on data analysis about Trk receptors expression in the various types of tumor models.



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