Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Teleconference for therapy

Teleconference for therapy

04 May 2019

On April 30, 2019, the Ist International Student Scientific Research and Educational Teleconference "Current Issues of Treatment 2019" through a teleconference with the Bashkir state medical university was held.

The conference was held under the guidance of the chairmen of the head of the department of faculty therapy at BSMU, Professor G. Mirsaeva, head of the department of internal diseases No. 2, Ph.D., associate professor Е. Laryushina., Ph.D., professor Sh. Koygeldinova.

The purpose of this event was to attract young researchers to solve actual problems of modern medical science and to create a platform for students of the School of Medicine and the medical faculty to discuss the latest scientific achievements of clinical medicine. Our university was represented by 4th year students Amirov Z. (4-037 group) with a report on the topic “Risk factors and features of the debut of the disease in patients with primary biliary cholangitis”, E. Konsov (4-038 group) - “Leptino resistance and its role in development insulin resistance in people with risk factors ”, K. Sycheva (4-038 group) -“ Atrial fibrillation: assessment of thromboembolic complications ”.

In the process of presenting their research reports, students touched upon topical issues of gastroenterology, cardiology and endocrinology, pulmonology, and demonstrated a high level of theoretical training.

At the end of the conference, the parties expressed their mutual optimistic vision of a long-term perspective regarding the regular holding of such events and the formation of this teleconference tradition between two friendly states and partner universities.



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