Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
On the agenda - infectious diseases in doctor’s practice.

On the agenda - infectious diseases in doctor’s practice.

06 May 2019

April 19 in the walls of the KMU in the meeting room of the Academic Council chaired by the Vice-Rector for Clinical Work and the NPW, Ph.D. Professor B.N. Kosherova and Academician of RAN, Ph.D. Professor R.H.  Begaydarova was held Republican scientific and practical conference "Infectious diseases in the practice of a doctor." This conference was devoted to the most common infections in our Republic.

The conference was attended by representatives of the department of Public Health in Karaganda region, staff of the department of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases of the KMU, representatives of friendly universities of the State Medical University of Pavlodar and the NIEC "MUA" Nur-Sultan, infectious disease doctors of the Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital of Karaganda and Karaganda region.

The welcoming speech was made by Professor B. N. Kosherova, which stressed the importance of infectious diseases in medical practice of any specialty.

Deputy Heads of the department of Public Health in Karaganda region G.Zh. Baituganova and N. D. Zamilova introduced us to epid. situation on echinococcosis in Karaganda region.

Director of MSC "Regional infectious diseases hospital" of Karaganda G. H. Bekzatova reported in detail "Monitoring of infectious diseases" according to the regional infectious diseases hospital of Karaganda".

Special, close attention of the audience was drawn to the speeches of Academician RAN, Ph.D. Professor R.H. Begaydarova, who presented 7 reports. She shared own perennial of experience and paid great attention to the modern features of the diagnosis and treatment of acute respiratory diseases, acute intestinal infections and meningococcal infections. She also focused on the problem of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and issues of antibiotic resistance.

In unison, respiratory viral diseases sounded interested the entire audience report of Professor A.A. Kim "Features of pandemic influenza."

Professor B. N. Kosherova presented an interesting message " Influenza. ARVI – treatment tactics on primary health care and in hospital", having conducted comparative statistics of respiratory viral diseases in Kazakhstan and abroad.

Stormy applause accompanied the report of Professor G. K. Alshynbekova on one of the topics of intrauterine infections: "Introduction tactics of mothers and children with congenital CMVI".

Professor Yu.G. Starikov introduced us to the interesting report "Features of the current course of measles in children and adults."

The guest of our university, a doctoral candidate of the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases of NIEC “MUA”, Nur-Sultan, A.A. Zhuzzhasarova.

The work “Whooping Cough in children. Features vaccine- controlled infection at the present stage,” course manager of pediatrics PF Pavlodar SMU A.S. Kozhanova.

Of particular interest to doctors and interns were the speeches of doctors of the regional infectious diseases hospital, who shared observations from their practical work and presented 2 reports: B.M. Zhantakbayeva, Deputy Director of the RHID Karaganda: " Case study - meningococcemia with Waterhouse-Frideriksen syndrome" and Zh.A. Kustova head of the department RHID - "Lactase deficiency in intestinal infections in children."

We, the interns-pediatricians of groups 6-036, 6-037, would like to thank the participants of the conference for the information and practical recommendations that we will actively implement in our practice in the future.

Interns-pediatricians of groups 6-036, 6-037



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