Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Mastered the new methods of diagnosis and treatment in hematology

Mastered the new methods of diagnosis and treatment in hematology

02 July 2019

From 27.05.19 to 07.06.19 we, residents of the specialty "Hematology" were trained by academic mobility program in the Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology in Almaty at the Kazakh National Medical University of Continuing Education (Head of the hematology course, MD, Prof. R.M. Ramazanova). We worked in the hemoblastosis department of  Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology (the head of the department is a hematologist of the highest category S.T. Gabbasova), where we were directly involved in the procedure of autotransplantation of hematopoietic stem cells.

In the laboratory of tumor cytology, the center of morphological studies, the Center for Radiology Diagnostics familiarized us with modern methods of molecular genetics, flow cytometry, positron emission tomography, and interpretation of research results in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and lymphogranulomatosis.

We participated in the master class called "Modern approaches in the treatment of lymphatic and myeloproliferative diseases", organized by the "Kazakhstan Professional Society of Onco-hematologists" public foundation. We would like to thank R.S. Dosmagambetova Chairman of the Board, Rector of NCJSC «MUK», Member of the Board, Vice-Rector for Academic Activities and Youth Affairs of KazNMUCE, Ph.D., Professor S.T. Doskhozhayeva, Professor of the №2 Department of Internal Diseases of NCJSC "MUK" professor. L.G. Turgunova Head of the Hematology Course of KazMUCE, Ph.D. R.M. Ramazanova for the opportunity to acquire new experience in the field of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment in oncohematology.   

A.A.Bakhytzhanova, T.M. Margulan, I.V. Mekhantseva, M.S. Sәulebekova Residents-hematologists of the 1st year.



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