Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Seasonal infections

Seasonal infections

03 July 2019

As part of the implementation of the decisions of the chief state sanitary doctor №2 – PGR from 03.04.2009 on the organization of measures to train medical workers in the Health Department of the Karaganda region 21.06.2009 was held a training seminar "Diagnosis and treatment of enterovirus infection, diarrheal disease and meningococcal infection."

        The purpose of the seminar is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients with infectious diseases.

        It was attended by emergency doctors of outpatient clinic of Karaganda region, infection disease doctors, employees of the receiving-diagnostic departments, district and school doctors, nurses.

        The relevance of the presented topics is due to the fact that in the summer season (June - August) at times increases the incidence of enterovirus and intestinal infections. The situation in the region remains tense with regard to meningococcal infection.

        The program of the conference was extremely broad and was conducted in several directions. These are acute intestinal infections, including enterovirus and meningococcal infections.

Based on years of observation, analyzing data from the literature, academician of RANS, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor R.H. Begaydarova  announced two relevant topics: Features of diagnosis and medical care for meningococcal infections of children " and "diarrheal disease in children. Secretory and invasive diarrhea. Toxicosis with exsicosis". At the same time, subtleties in approaches to diagnosis and treatment were highlighted and a deep and critical analysis was carried out. 

        Associate Professor of the Department of epidemiology and infectious diseases Zhunusov E. S described in detail the approaches to emergency therapy in generalized forms of meningococcal infection.

        Given the seasonal incidence of enterovirus infections was interesting and timely report of Professor Starikov Yu. G. "Clinical, differential diagnosis, treatment of enterovirus infection in children".

        Report of the bacteriologist Melnikova N. Ah. it was devoted to the rules of selection and delivery of laboratory material under suspicion of meningococcal infection. 

        At the end of the seminar, doctors actively discussed the topic, asked questions which the speakers gave comprehensive answers.

        In conclusion, the representatives of practical healthcare thanked the speakers for the detailed and interesting reports and expressed hope for further cooperation of science and practice.


R.H. Begaydarov Academician of  RANS, Professor of  Medical Sciences   Department of Epidemiology and Infectious diseases.

Yu. G. Starikov  Professor of Department of Epidemiology and Infectious diseases.



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