Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Volunteer Year

Volunteer Year

06 February 2020

Kassym-Zhomart Tokaev, president of the country, declared that 2020 year will be Year of the Volunteer in Kazakhstan. This initiative of the head of state will give a new impetus to the development of volunteering in the country and will serve to create an enabling environment for volunteering.

The year of the volunteer entitled "Бiргемiз " - "We are together." In 2020, all volunteer projects will be divided into 7 areas:

I.  "Сабақтастық " - patronage of children from orphanages.

II.  "Саулық " - medical volunteering, assistance in caring for the sick.

III.  "Тазаәлем " - environmental protection, cleaning rivers and forests, planting trees, training in sorting garbage.

IV.  "АсылМұра " - the involvement of volunteers in preserving the material and spiritual cultural and historical heritage of our people.

V.  "Қамқор " - the work of volunteers in nursing homes.

VI.  "Білім " - volunteer assistance to senior pupils of rural schools in preparation for the UNT, teaching English and computer literacy.

VII.  "Үміт " - on the eve of the 75th anniversary of victory in World War II, the search for documents telling about the exploits of our compatriots in the Great Patriotic War.

  Every year, hundreds of millions of people around the world devote their skills, knowledge and free time to selflessly contribute to the development of their countries.

In honor of the Year of the Volunteer, the participants of the “Next Generation Volunteers” volunteer organization prepared 14 projects covering all planned areas. For 2020, our volunteers planned: sponsorship in orphanages and nursing homes, various eco-events, charity events of targeted assistance and many others.

The project coordinator is Temirkhan Rustemov (4-001 Farm) (mob. 8-747-764-25-04). He invites everyone to become new volunteers:

“We invite responsible, creative, hardworking and conflict-free people to become a part of  large and friendly family of volunteers.We need caring and energetic people with an active lifestyle.As a volunteer you will get a real opportunity to change your life for the better, change yourself and help others change, inspiring them with your own example.“A volunteer cannot be born, a volunteer has to become!”

In conclusion, the participation in the volunteer movement gives people the opportunity to influence the future of their country, their future and the future of other people!

   The Youth Affairs Department



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