Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
It is time to be ready for the second wave of COVID-19

It is time to be ready for the second wave of COVID-19

17 October 2020

The epidemiological situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan with regard to coronavirus infection has now stabilized but this is not a reason to calm down and forget about the problem.The main directions and solutions to the fight against COVID-19 are planned at the Medical University of Karaganda under the leadership of the rector R.S. Dosmagambetova and vice-rector for clinical work B.N. Kosherova within the process to be prepared for the second wave of coronavirus.

In this regard, the professors of the medical university directed their efforts to increase the potential of practicing doctors and nurses who provide care to patients with coronavirus infection COVID-19.

In the current situation, in the framework of joint cooperation with the Department of Health of the Karaganda region, the MUK teaching staff trains practical colleagues to comply with all infection control measures in medical organizations. Training is carried out both online and on site to cities and regions of the Karaganda region. To this end, the professors of the university have already visited Zhezgazgan, Satpayev Balkhash regions.

Much attention is paid to the provision of medical care to children with coronavirus infection. So, the professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the RAE Rosa Khasanovna Begaidarova trained 3445 medical workers, of which 23 were the heads of medical organizations, 922 were doctors and 2500 were nurses.

The main attention of the professor was focused on the pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of the disease, classification, peculiarities of the clinical course in children. According to Roza Khasanovna, the predominantly asymptomatic and mild course of COVID-19 in children leads to an underestimation of the epidemiological significance of the pediatric population in the spread of infection, since it is children who serve as its potential sources.

Attention is also focused on the development of complications - a small number of children may develop a more severe inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID-19. This new serious cardiovascular disease manifests itself in the form of pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome, which includes features similar to Kawasaki disease.

- The correct diagnosis and tactics of managing children with COVID-19 are of great importance - says R. Begaidarova. - The volume of the therapy performed corresponded to the standards of medical care for patients with COVID-19 in accordance with the clinical protocol of Kazakhstan (10th edition - for medical workers, Protocol No. 107 dated July 15, 2020).

During the training, the importance of differential diagnosis of coronavirus infection from other viral infections and with Kawasaki disease was noted. This is especially important today for medical practitioners. Timely diagnostics will enable doctors to properly sort and route patients.

  - Preventive measures against COVID-19 have not yet been developed; therefore it is necessary to continue routine vaccination among healthy and non-contact children, in accordance with the National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations, continues the professor. - First of all, it is necessary to vaccinate susceptible individuals and patients from risk groups against pneumococcal, hemophilus influenzae type b, seasonal flu. Stopping the spread of coronavirus depends not only on the success of science and medicine. It depends on our behavior, on whether we are ready to change it.



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