Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Patient-centered approach in the online training

Patient-centered approach in the online training

20 April 2021

As part of the «FOstering the doctoR of the 21st century: education for patient-centered communication» Project, ("Promoting the development of a 21st century physician: training in patient-centered communication skills") on April 12, 2021, the University of Leeds partners conducted online training for FOR21 Consortium members.

Bob Lane,Deputy Director Medical Education Programs at the University of Leeds (UK), presented the university's many years of experience in developing communication skills. Twenty-five representatives from six universities of the Project's partners took а part in the online training. Bob Lane focused on five key strategies for developing communication skills. The process of developing communication skills, that presented by the speaker was very interesting for the listeners, and many questions were asked about the organization of patient-centered training.



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