Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
«Prevention of influence of extremism currents»

«Prevention of influence of extremism currents»

08 April 2014

On April 2, 2014 year the next meeting of students with representative of republican information and propaganda group at Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan was held in KSMU for explanation of some questions of religion. Guest of the meeting was Syzdykov Rustem Malikovich – chairman of PA «НұрлыБілім», master of history. The meeting was organized by the Committee on prevention of extremism and terrorism and by the department of educational work and young policy.  

At the meeting beginning the students have seen two videos on the given theme: «Receded from belief », «Сирия мәселесі».

Syzdykov R.M. has mentioned in his report that under official and unofficial data we knowabout departure of our compatriots to the war to Syria. And the main problem is that they are under some psychological pressure and they don’t understand their activities. Under some data, from 40 to 70 Kazakhstan citizens went to Syria, some of them even with wives and small children.  

Until recently it was claimed that for jihad there are needy, socially unstable people whereas now we understand that it not absolutely so. Number of fellows, to whom it was succeeded to talk after everything, have remarkable abilities and data, know several languages, can discuss on the most various subjects of history, policy, economy, religion. That such erudite young people induce to take the machine gun in hand and to take the field, the purposes and which sense it not to understand? All this occurs because of high-quality recruitment. In Syria any Arab isn't at war. Sheikhs of these hiring centers have influence on consciousness of people. It is known that on the Internet it is possible to see videos where these sheikhs sit at themselves in comfortable houses and emotionally call "the brothers, Muslims of the whole world" to take the weapon in hand and to take the field. And, unfortunately, there are those who give in on these provocations.

For recruitment of consciousness there is an active work with substitution of concepts. It is carried out, first, on the Internet available for today for all. It should be noted that books, brochures which are everywhere distributed, too constitute danger. It is necessary to pay attention to the first leaf of any religious literature which you were going to read. On the first leaf of the book there has to be a signature stamp of Agency on affairs of religions of RK or DMMK RK.

 Where you should be careful, not to put under psychological influence of extremism currents? You should be very careful in mosque. Exactly in mosque small groups used to gathering, they looking for persons who have come, «new potential object for recruitment». They surround, something explain, convoke from what people having come to a mosque, fondly leaves on a string at people alien to traditional Islam. But it should be mentioned that it is prohibited to exclude such people from the mosque, because mosque is God’s house and nobody has right to prohibit somebody to visit it. Thus, it should be mentioned ones more that when you come to the mosque you should ask and talk only with imams who are working there officially. In whole, the meeting was held in the highest level, in the conditions of frank questions of religion and the same clear answers from Syzdykov R. M.

At the end of the meeting, the student received brochures especially prepared in the mosque with information about prohibited religious organizations, web sites and literature in Kazakhstan.  


Chairman of the Committee on prevention

 of religious terrorism and extremism



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