Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Simulations in medical education

Simulations in medical education

28 September 2023

On September 21–23, 2023, the most representative event in the field of simulation training in medicine took place in Moscow - the XII Congress of the Russian Society for Simulation Training in Medicine and the International Conference “Simulation Training in Medicine: Experience, Development, Innovation. ROSOMED-2023".

Event organisers:

• Russian Society for Simulation Training in Medicine, ROSOMED,

• Lomonosov Moscow State University,

• Society of Doctors of Russia.

Participants of the event:

• Heads of state authorities of the Russian Federation and the CIS in the field of health protection;

• Heads of higher education institutions in the Russian Federation and the CIS;

• Vice-rectors of higher education institutions in the Russian Federation and the CIS;

• Heads of medical faculties of higher education organizations in the Russian Federation and the CIS;

• Heads and employees of accreditation and simulation centers of the Russian Federation and the CIS;

• Heads of the National Medical Research Centers of the Russian Federation.

For many years, the ROSOMED conference has been a key platform for discussing the application of simulation technologies in the healthcare training, conducting primary and specialized accreditation of graduates in simulated conditions, as well as the use of these techniques in the ongoing professional development of doctors. This year the program of the event combined units covering current issues of innovative training methods in medicine, simulation, virtual reality, and the application of artificial intelligence in education and research.

In this event three reports from Kazakhstan were presented by Gulshat Kemelova, head of the Center for Simulation and Educational Technologies of NCJSC “Karaganda Medical University” on the following topics “ The trajectory of development of simulation technologies in universities of Kazakhstan”, “Assessment of the impact of TutorMen simulator and teacher facilitation on the effective learning of skills" and "Human resources decide everything" with a presentation about CSET of NCJSC “KMU” , which was of  great interest among the audience.

Dinara Aimbetova, chief specialist of CSET



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