Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
V.N.C.C. (Veterans need care and company)

V.N.C.C. (Veterans need care and company)

11 November 2014

War veterans are the special people. They are the people that endured the suffering and hardships of the most horrible war in human history. So the attitude towards them in our country is also special. Every year the number of them is less and less – the age doesn’t spare anyone. But we can make their senility decent! It is a big mistake to think, that a senior citizen needs only the help in personal hygiene and food. It is necessary to understand that the main thing which a person needs in old age is communication. Spending all the time in the apartment, your elderly relative or the neighbor veteran wants to feel himself not only a living person but also a meaningful member of society.

War is always a great tragedy.We are deeply in veterans’ debt and we can try to make their life happier and more pleasant. The people experienced a war need the caring attitude as nobody else. With this in mind, KSMU students continue their mission of war and labour veterans care. This time our volunteers visited the homes of Azhmukhambetov Korgan Azhmukhambetovich, Bayarstanova Kadirkesh Abildinovny, Byul Egon Vladimirovich, Alkenova Umut Sultanovna, Kovalenko Ekaterina Lukinishna, Musatova Galina Nikitichna, Rychkova Tamara Viktorovna, Seysembekova Maira Zeynullovna, Tusbayev Galym Tuzbayevich and Donbayeva Sharbat Zigeniyevny.

The university labor union provided every veteran with food package with products of prime necessity and speciality inside. The senior citizens rejoiced to the shown attention and answered with hospitality. At the tea the students learned a lot about the labor way of these honored people, about military years and post-war time.It was evident that most of our honored veterans were delighted to be able to communicate with the young generation representatives.  Sharing impressions of the meeting, the volunteers noted that despite of old age, our veterans have the willing spirit and something to tell and something to teach.

Zhanas Baymagambet

Head of the club of initiative students of KSMU



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