Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
I believe in youth.

I believe in youth.

26 December 2014

  The grandiose gala concert of republican patriotic festival of students "Менжастарғасенемін" took place in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University to the day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan! Second time the talented boys and girls came from all regions of the republic for communication and exchange of experience with  the representatives  of state structures, public organizations and business.

  Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Ecological project "Zhandanu" supported by the Department of education and science of RK, municipality of Almaty, youth movement "Zhas Otan" and Union of writers of RK were the organizers of the event.

  The festival was designed to develop the high social activity and spirituality, increase patriotism and civil responsibility of students for the future of Kazakhstan. The important condition of successful development of Kazakhstan society is an active participation of young people in socio-economic, political and public life of the country. The students as generation, largely bringing in the contribution to socio-political transformation of the state in during twenty three years of  independence are of the main concern. President N.Nazarbaev said, that young people were determining force of country that will determine a look figures, and the vector of further development of Kazakhstan will depend on civil position of that.

  Within the frame of festival the students works were accepted on next nominations: student innovative socially-meaningful project "My real contribution to innovative development of the country", students essay "What can I do for prosperity of the country?", poetic-patriotic work on a theme "Meн жастарға сенемін!" ("I believe in young people"!) and  the best patriotic song  "Мәңгілік ел – мұратым!"

  Over 1000 competitive works were send to the organizers from students from 60 universities of the country. Authors of 350 the works best from them got invitation of rector of КаzSU to the festival in Almaty. Karaganda  State Medical University  was represented by the students of faculty of General Medicine and Stomatology : Bekmurzaeva Diana(gr.2-082) and Тuleev Aydar(gr.3-005). They actively participated in the competition  of patriotic songs "Мәңгілік ел – мұратым!"

  Meeting of thematic plenary and creative sections, acquaintance with work of center of maintenance of students "Кеremet", by presentation of organizations of students autonomous bodies, by the exhibition of student innovative projects were conducted during this event .

  The solemn ceremony of festival winners awarding took place at closing of gala forum in Palace of students. An independent judge from a number of authoritative specialists declared the names of the best nominees in every competition. Prizewinners and participants of event received diplomas and valuable gifts, given by the partners of festival.  Also all participants visited the sight of city Kok Tobe.

  In a final day the committee of students of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University arranged a merry banquet for the participants of festival.

  Bekmurzaeva Diana (2-082 ОМ)



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