Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Meetings with students

Meetings with students

24 February 2015

The staff of the “Ambulance and emergency medical care #1” department held a meeting in the form of “Round Table” with the students of dormitory#7 in order to raise patriotism, educational level, civil status, moral and ethical standards of behavior in the framework of the educational work activities.

Under the leadership of the head of the department Alpyssova A.R. the teachers of the department made interesting presentations on such topics as “Message of the President to the people of Kazakhstan (prepared by Subbota Y.V.)”; “Planning of a family (prepared by Burkova Y.I.)”; “Drug addiction is a social disease (prepared by Telembetov N.T.)”; “Increase of the status of a woman in the state (prepared by Bayekeyeva M.S.)”

Duringthe discussion of  these topics the students showed a genuine interest by taking an active part in the conversations and discussions, freely and openly expressed their opinions, listening to each other. Itwasgratifying to notice political literacy of the young generation, in particular, during the discussion of the President’s Message  “Nurly Zhol”. The role of woman in society has been actively discussed – the students have given their opinions and even a minor dispute between male and femaleteams has occurred which has served as the development of an interesting form of a dialogue between them.

Separately, attention was paid to the matters of drug addiction among young people and how all activities related to this aspectarepunishable under the penal code.

Also, the issue of family planning was not ignored, namely, medical rights of couples related to their health.

The evening was held in a friendly atmosphere. Upon its completion, the guys thanked teachers of the department for their warm, informal relations, presented interesting material, the opportunity to share all their thoughts and ideas. In their turn, employees of the department really enjoyed working with young generation.

Y.I. Burkova,

Assistant-trainee of  the “Ambulance and

emergency medical care №1” department.



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