Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Honoring of women veterans

Honoring of women veterans

13 March 2015

    In 2 months, our country will celebrate the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer gray-haired veterans now.Each of them has her own front-line biography.The World War II for the mobile field hospital paramedic Kiseleva Anastasia Nikolaevna and typists Anna Ivanovna Popova is the first and foremost invaluable experience, which was paid a high price.On the eve of International Women's Day and the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the military department of KSMU organized and held the event to honor women veterans of the World War II.

The event was attended by the 3d and 2d years students of faculty "General Medicine and Dentistry", "Preventive Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy" studying at the military department.During the meeting, the veterans talked about fighting way of commanders, comrades.The current generation is the successor of martial traditions. Heroic deeds of their fathers and grandfathers, that have risen as  one to defend the homeland, are crucial for them.

  Laboratory assistant of higher qualification of the military department of KSMU

  Kuanish B.M.



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