Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear applicants for transfer to the number of students of NCJSC "QMU"!

Dear applicants for transfer to the number of students of NCJSC "QMU"!

12 January 2024

Transfer of students for each educational program is carried out during the holidays, in accordance with the academic calendar, according to Academic Policy. An application for transfer to the number of students in all educational programs is accepted upon reaching the GPA:

2,75 –for applicants from other EP NCJSC “QMU”;

3,0 – for applicants from other OHPE.

Applications are accepted by the last weekday of the holidaysat 13:00.

When transferring and restoring, the School takes into account the direction of training and the profile of the educational program, the number of places available, the language of study, the student's academic achievements (GPA for the entire period of study), as well as cases of violation of academic integrity by students. Persons permanently residing in the regions assigned to the NCJSC “QMU” for training personnel with higher and postgraduate medical education have a preferential right: Karaganda, Kostanay, Ulytau and Kyzylorda regions. The number of places available is determined based on the personnel and logistical resources, the contingent of students.

Transfer to the number of students in the educational programs "Medicine", "General Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Public Health", "IT medicine", "Preventive Medicine", "Nursing", "Biomedicine" is carried out without restrictions on the number of places.

The School of Dentistry and the School of Pharmacy have determined the number of places availabe for transfer to the number of students in the educational programs "Dentistry", "Pharmacy", "Technology of pharmaceutical production".

When conducting a competition for vacant places of the 1st year, if the GPA is equal, the priority right in the subsequent order is:

1)  persons awarded with the badge "Алтын белгі";

2)  persons awarded the badge of distinction for their patriotism and active citizenship;

3)  winners of international Olympiads and competitions of scientific projects (scientific competitions) in general education subjects (awarded with diplomas of the first, second and third degrees), international and republican competitions of performers and sports competitions (awarded with diplomas of the first, second and third degrees) of the last three years, the list of which is determined by the authorized body in the field of science and higher education, as well as the winners of the presidential, republican Olympiads and competitions of scientific projects in general education subjects (awarded with diplomas of the first, second and third degrees) of the current academic year, provided that their chosen specialty corresponds to the subject of the Olympiad, competition or sports competition;

4)  orphans and children left without parental care, as well as citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan from among the youth who have lost or remained without parental care until adulthood, persons with disabilities of the first and second groups, veterans of military operations on the territory of other states, veterans equated to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, persons with disabilities children with disabilities who, according to a medical opinion, are not contraindicated from studying in relevant educational institutions, and persons with educational documents (certificates, certificates, diplomas) with honors;

5)  persons living in the regions assigned to NCJSC "QMU" for training personnel with higher and postgraduate medical education: Karaganda, Kostanay, Ulytau and Kyzylorda regions.

In case of equality of GPA and in the absence of the pre-emptive right specified in paragraphs 1-5, preference is given to applicants who have higher scores in specialized subjects according to the results of the UNT.

When conducting a competition for vacancies in senior courses (2-5 courses), in case of equality of GPA, students with personal achievements in scientific and social activities have a preferential right. The applicants are evaluated according to the point system, according to the criteria specified in the Appendix:

X = (GPA*25*0,50) + (A*2*0,20) + (B*6,25*0,10) + (C*5*0,10) + (D*12,5*0,10),

whereA – the results of scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurial activity, B – результаты спортивной деятельности, C – the results of cultural and creative activities, Dthe results of socially significant activities of the applicant.



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