Helpful information
Helpful information
Dear students, residency program students, master’s program students, doctoral students, teaching staff!
08 November 2016
Because of the meeting held by the dean’s office of the faculty “General medicine and stomatology” on the 29th October, 2016, the meeting of Student’s Foreign Language Science Circle on the topic “Speech formation and perception. Gender psycholinguistics” is rearranged for the 12th November, 2016, 10.00 a.m. (the males were only invited). In addition, the meeting on the same topic is held for the females at 12.00 a.m. this day.
08 November 2016
Department of Oncology invites everyone to take part in a round table on the topic: " Fight against smoking and prevention of lung cancer ". Time and place: 10.11.2016., 17.00 a.m., conference hall of the dormitory №2.
07 November 2016
The meeting Student Scientific circle on topic “Euthanasia: pros and cons” will be holed on 18.11.2016 at 16:00 at 36 Gogol street, office 107.
Dear students of KSMU!
02 November 2016
A contest for participation in International Winter School “German customs in Kazakhstan and Germany”, arranged by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) together with the Faculty of International Relations of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, is open.
To attention of five-year students!
02 November 2016
Trainings on discipline «Neurology, psychiatry and narcology» will be held at the following clinical sites:
Dear 2,3-year students of “Public Health” specialty!
02 November 2016
Scientific-Educational foundation named after Esenov announced a contest for 10 scholarships for Kazakhstan students for scientific training in the best laboratories of the world during the summer of 2017 year.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department ANNOUNCEMENT
01 November 2016
Lectures the group of the faculty «General Medicine and Dentistry» will begin on
Dear students, residency program students, master’s program students, doctoral students and teaching staff of KSMU who are male!
27 October 2016
You are invited to the meeting of Student’s Foreign Language Science Circle on the topic “Speech formation and perception. Gender psycholinguistics”. The meeting is held on 29th October, 2016 at 11.00 a.m.
24 October 2016
03.11.2016 at Department of Kazakh Language will be conducted an open lesson on RBL methodology for 2-year students on speciality "General medicine"on discipline "Professional Kazakh language".
19 October 2016
On 20 October, at 16.00 pm will be held the meeting of Student Scientific Society of Department of Neurology. Presence of members of Society is strictly obligatory.