Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Results of competition of video clips

Results of competition of video clips

27 April 2015

The commission on the prophylaxis of religious extremism and terrorism, organized the competition of video clips among the students of KSMU. Тhe main aim of the competition is the prophylaxis of religious radicalism and strengthening of Kazakhstan patriotism, tolerance and interfaith accord.

The works of two student groups "Мedical and preventive care" (2-001) and "General medicine" (1-072) were presented in the competition. The presented videos are the contribution of students to the work on prevention of religious extremism.

On April 17, the results of competition were summed up. The academic dean V.Molotov-Luchansky marked actuality of warning the question of religious radicalism among youth, because the young people often can be considered to influence of destructive pseudo-religious organizations.

The guests of the meeting were the Head of Department of Religious Affairs of Karaganda region K.Nurkenov and the Head of КSD "Center of study and analysis of problems of interfaith relations" T.Mukhtar.K.Nurkenov marked the creative approach in preparation of the clips, where the participants were students.This project deserves the attention of public and undoubtedly must find a response in the hearts of youth of Karaganda.

The director of Center of human resources, the deans of faculties, the  Head of Press-service, the specialist of the Department of Youth Affairs and monitors of groups took part in the meeting also.

The Head of the Department of Religious Affairs awarded the student groups the diplomas, and every student got a thankful letter from the director of "Center of study and analysis of problems of interfaith relations".

In the near time the video clips will be translated on educational television.The demonstration on LED-screens of city is planned in the near future.



The Chairperson of the Commission on the prophylaxis of religious extremism and terrorism.



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