Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The general meeting of student activists of KSMU

The general meeting of student activists of KSMU

29 May 2015

On May 25, 2015 year report-election meeting of students, heads of groups, leaders and members of the sector committee of the student's self-government committee of KSMU, faculties and dormitories was held in the assembly hall of Karaganda State Medical University. At the meeting, Chairman of CSSG KSMU Zh. Rakhmetov made a report about the work done of University CSSG. Afterwards, the deputy head of the scientific sector of CSSG A. Alpysbaeva and CSSG chairman of the of Preventive medicine Faculty, biology and pharmacy Zh.Kuanysh had a speaches and evaluated CSSG activity positively.

Then the speach was presented to the vice-rector for educational and methodical work of KSMU V.B. Molotov-Luchanskiy, who also praised the work CSSG and highlighted the main points in the CSSG and challenges facing the new membership of CSSG.

At the end of all the speeches main part of the meeting of student`s membership began, and we come to the main program on the agenda - the election by voting to the student’s self-government committee of the University. At this, 9 students who are successful not only academically, but also in social, creative and scientific activities have been presented for election

1. Kuanysh Zhuldyz 3-005 PH

2. Sadvakasova Asel 3-092 GM

3. Kenesova Alua 2-038 GM

4. Siyar Ongarsyn 1-011 GM

5. Fazil Agila 2-040 GM

6. Fissenko Igor 2-074 GM

7. Khamzina Aizhan 3-065 GM

8. Dzhetibaeva Aigul 2-038 GM

9. Mailybaev Ruslan 2-064 GM

In an open ballot, all candidates were elected to the committee. The voices of students are as follows: "Pros" - 597 (99.5%), "Cons" - 3 (0.5%), "Abstained" - 0 (0%).

Further, members of CSSG elected new Chairman - T. Samatov, a student of the faculty of preventive medicine, biology and pharmacy, specialty "Public Health".

In addition, the Committee will hold elections for the heads of sector of CSSG of the University faculties and dormitories, as well as supervise the work of all student organizations, clubs and sections of KSMU.

At the meeting we identified the main directions and ways of solving the problems facing the Committee today, and thanks to the feedback the students received answers to all questions from the committee members.

We congratulate the new members of the student’s self-government committee of KSMU and wish them health and success in studying and inexhaustible energy at work!

Igor Fissenko


2-074 GM



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