Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Management system of effectiveness as a factor of personal growth

Management system of effectiveness as a factor of personal growth

03 September 2015

Faculty of KSMU filled personal development plans, mentors submitted feedback forms to the Department of human resource management within the framework of effectiveness management systemimplementation. These forms are processed by specialists of the department, and on this basis of needs of the Faculty and lists of areaswere formed and identified.

After analyzing the feedback form, it was revealed that some teachers require a visit to the training on public speaking skills, while others would like to see psychological training.

The university administration had decided to organize training for teaching staffon campus, according to their needs, giving them the opportunity for personal growth.

Search of suitable candidates for such kind of training sessions for teachers was carried out; and in June 2015 training sessions were organized.

Training oratory

Business coach Alibek Kozhabayev was invited to carry out the training "Public speaking skills in 2 days".

To ensure effectiveness of this training the total participants were divided into 4 groups, the training took place in the four parts and was held from Monday to Thursday: 22.06-23.06, 24.06-25.06, 29.06-30.06 and 01.07-02.07 from 9:00 to 18:00 every day.

Questionnaire of participants was carried out at the end of the training. The questionnaire results showed that 100% of surveyed are glad that participated in the training. They noted the effectiveness of the training, the usefulness of acquired skills.

Partial sample fromcomments:

"Really liked the style of presentation, it is well absorbed. Grateful for the professionalism of the master and to the native university for this opportunity. " 

  Head of the department of histology, c.m.s. and Аssociate  professor

  R.Zh. Esimova

"All the knowledge gained during the training, I will use it in my work."

  Assistant of the department of clinical pharmacology and evidence-based medicine

  T.K. Sagadatova

  "It's very good training! Thanks to the administration and the Department of human resource management  for organizing this training. It's advisable!"

  Associate Professor of subdepartment of occupational hygiene, professional diseases, hygiene of children and teenagers, c.m.s. S.R. Zhakenova

"I would like to have such training in our university more often!"

   Head of the department of emergency medical care №2, c.m.s. G.S. Zhumabekova


"I am thankful to the organizers of the training for the opportunity for personal growth!" 

   Head of the department of Immunology, Associate Professor, M.D.,

  M.A. Gazaliyeva

Fascinating, informative, educational, effective training has become an interesting event in the life of the university and participants. The audience thanked the university for the opportunity to visit the training. They urged to apply this practice constantly, and especially to all young teachers at the start of their professional careers.

On 03/07/2015, the solemn delivery of certificates to the participants of the first training

"Public speaking skills in 2 days" was happened.

Trainings in Psychology

Staff psychologist Ksenia Marchenko was invited for training in psychology. She coped with the task.Issues related toorganizing and conducting of psychological trainings in preparation for the meeting were discussed several times.Ksenia Marchenko designed programs and suggested three areas of training based on the available list, which shows the need for faculty:

"Communication. Happiness is when you are understanded ";

"Professional burnout and stresses in our lives";

"Leadership and Leadership Tools."

Faculty meeting was organized for wishing to attend psychological training with the coach and team-building for directions.

Ksenia Marchenko gave information to help all present to decide which training they would like, or may be required to visit. All wishes couldchoose no more than two of the three trainings. The psychologist justify as it will be emotional difficult to process all information received while visiting a lot of trainings in a row.

Creation of small groups (7-8 people) was carried out due to the large number of people and for the effectiveness of the training. Trainings were held from 11AM, but no more than one in a day. The number of hours was determined by the theme of the training.

The analysis showed that the psychologist Ksenia Marchenko is a qualified specialist in her field. She approaches to workwith enthusiasm, she seeks to help people deal with their emotional problems.

Some teachers began to ask her for psychological help in privateafter training.

Partial sample from comments:

"Such trainings on Leadership Psychology and Leadership tools we need. I have positive attitude, and thankful to our psychologist Ksenia Sergeyevna! "

  Military department head, c.m.s., colonel of medical service

  A.M. Muhametzhanov

"I would like to thank the Department of human resource management and psychologist K.S. Marchenko for implementing and training the data necessary for psychological relief, expansion of knowledge in the field of psychology, necessary in the daily work of employees of the university" 

  Head of the department of emergency medical care №1, c.m.s. and

  associate  professor A.R. Alpysova

"I liked training very much, especially its practical content. Ksenia, thank you!"  

 Assistant of the department of clinical pharmacology and evidence-based medicine

 B.E. Tonkabaeva

"From the training I expected that it would be boring, long and will give us a lot of theory and the conduct of 1-2 games. But that was not the case. It was much more interesting. All the time was devoted to games and then parses it with psychologist. Thank you for the interesting and useful time! "

      Assistant-trainee chair of the General medical practice № 1

  A.K. Koshen

Upon completion of training, participants noted that they changed their attitude to the Management system of effectiveness, decided to get serious about completing plans for personal development and to revise it for the new academic year, acknowledged that the system is actually effective and necessary; They feel recognition and support of the university and thanks to the administration for the opportunity of personal development.



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