Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The KSMU foreign languages department's occupational guidance for prospective students

The KSMU foreign languages department's occupational guidance for prospective students

26 November 2015

The actual economic and political environment makes our society place great demands on individual psycho-physiological personality traits. Exchange relations change the nature and the aim of labour. Its intensity increases, high professionalism, human tolerance, responsibility are required. In this regard, it is necessary to pay special attention to the realization of well aimed occupational guidance for prospective students among the young people and school-leavers. They must have deep insight of the whole system of the main factors, which determine the development of the person's qualified intention and the methods of its realization.

The occupational guidance is the scientifically based system of the social and economic, psychological and pedagogical, medical and biological, industrial and technological measures for providing the school-leavers with the personal-oriented help in the development of capabilities, professional and cognitive interests in occupational choice. The occupational guidance forms the need for labour in the competitive business environment. It can be realized through the educational process and out-of-class activity. Such work was performed in Karaganda Gymnasium 1 by the foreign languages department on 16.11.15.

There is the only form of the school-leavers in Gymnasium 1. It consists of 27 pupils. The teacher of the foreign languages department N.A. Togandykova and the fifth-year-students (508 “Public Healthcare) have told the school-leavers about KSMU's activities, about the specialties of our faculty: “Pharmacy”, “Industrial pharmaceutical technology”, “Public Healthcare”, “Nursing”, “Preventive Medicine”, “Biology”. The support flyers have been handed out, and the film about our university has been shown. The foreign languages department has plans to supply the pupils with information about University's activities and the faculties of KSMU systematically, as well to attract the prospective students’ attention to the participation in students’ activities.



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