Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
We know and respect our culture .

We know and respect our culture .

02 December 2015

On November 26, First Republic intellectual games «Жүзденжүйрік» among university and college students were held in the  Karaganda Economic University.

The game was held in three stages: «Бәйге»,  «Жорға» и «Полиглот».The participants demonstrated knowledge of the culture of the Kazakh people and the history of Islam .

Karaganda state medical university was represented by the Minister of prevention of religious extremism S.R."Samruk" N.Zholshybek (3-015 GM). Our participant has confirmed that KSMU students have high culture and wide erudition.Our student reached the final of tournament and was awarded by the letter of thanks of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan.All participants were presented the Koran - the holy book of Muslims.

Department of youth affairs.



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